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"Look who's finally home."

Finn said, kissing my cheek.

"Mommy! How did training go?"

Aria asked as she ran into the dining room.

"Good. Aunt Sasha showed Mommy come new moves so I can't wait to show you guys."

I said. I took my hoodie off and threw it on the table.

"Mommy? What's that?"

Aria asked, pulling my shirt up and pointing to one of my bruises from Adam.


I said, looking up at Finn.

"Don't lie to me Mommy."

Aria said. Damn, my kid is too smart for me.

"Listen, sometimes Mommy is around really bad people. And they do bad things to Mommy. But that person is gone now."

I said, bending down to her level.

"Did Adam do that to you?"

She asked me. I looked up at Finn and back at her.

"Yeah, baby. But he's gone now."

"Mommy, please tell me he didn't hurt you or Brooklyn often."

Aria said.

"He never touched Brooke. I can't say the same for me sweetheart."

I said.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Mommy."

Aria said, hugging me.

"Don't be sorry Aria. You didn't do anything. Listen, when you're older I'll talk about this more with you but Mommy has been through some bad stuff with guys like Adam. You won't understand now, but if a guy ever touches you in a non-consenting way, run. As fast as you can. Just go. Okay?"

I asked her.

"Okay. I love you Mommy."

"I love you too."

I said, hugging her. She ran off as I sighed.

"Proud of you for that."

Finn said, kissing my forehead.


I said, biting my lip.

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