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1 Week Later

"Hey Mama Bear."

I said, wrapping my arms around Sasha's shoulders as I walked out of the dressing room.


She said groggily.


I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Exhausted. I can't wait till this morning sickness is gone."

She said, rubbing her face.

"At least you look good."

She said, admiring my gear.

"Thank you."

I said with a smile. We talked for a while and eventually Becky, Sami, Finn, Mella, and Charlotte joined us. The gang was all here. I smiled as I saw someone run past us. I turned around to see a small child run into some girl's arms. When the girl picked the child up, my heart dropped.


I whispered in astonishment.

"Who the hell is that with my daughter?"

I asked, getting everyone's attention.


Sasha said, biting her lip as we watched on.

"I need to go get her."

I said, slowly starting to walk towards her.


I heard Charlotte call after me.

"Bayley, stop!"

I heard Becky call after me. Then I felt someone yank my arm and turn me around.

"Bayley, quit. You're gonna get yourself in trouble if you go near her."

Finn said. Then I just broke down into tears.

"That's my baby girl. I want her back. I want to know who the hell is there with her. I just want her back."

I sobbed as Finn pulled me into his chest.

"I know. You just have to accept that that's her life now."

Finn said, smoothing my hair down.

"I can't. I can't just let her go."

I sobbed into his chest. After I cleaned myself up, I turned around to see Seth, the random girl, and Emery sitting on a crate. All laughing and smiling.

"C'mon Bay. Let's get out of here."

Sasha said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the rest of the group. I kept my eye on them until they were out of sight. My chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it. I just wanted her back in my arms. I wanted my baby back.

forever.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat