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Finn's POV

"You guys ready to watch Mommy's match?"

I asked the kids as we sat on the couch.


Chloe yelled as I unpaused the TV.

"Look at Aunt Sasha's entrance!"

Noah yelled as I smiled. I loved that my kids were obsessed with wrestling like Bayley and I were when we were little.

"Look at Mommy!"

Aria yelled, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"She looks beautiful, doesn't she?"

I asked as I smiled.

"She looks amazing. That's my favorite gear."

Aria said, admiring Bayley's red and gold gear.

"Me too sweetheart."

I said with a smile. We watched on as the kids stared at the TV. They all basically screamed when Bayley headed for the top rope.

"Oh my god! She's gonna kill Aunt Sasha!"

Aria said as I laughed. Then, Kylie tripped her. I knew by the way Bayley fell that she was in pain. All the kids were silent the rest of the match.

"Mommy is hurt."

Aria said once the match ended.

"Go to bed guys."

I said, my heart racing. I needed to call Bayley.

"What? It's only 8:30!"

Aria protested.

"I'm not kidding. Go to bed."

I said. They all ran off to their rooms as I dialed Bayley's number.

Bayley's POV


I screamed in pain as the doctor stretched my knee.

"It's okay Bay."

Sasha said, rubbing my arm.

"I would go to the hospital and get it checked out. I think it's broken."

The doctor said as I sighed. Sasha helped me out of the room as my phone rang.


I said, as I answered.

"Hey. What the hell happened in that match?"

Finn asked.

"I don't know. Sasha is taking me to the hospital. The doctor thinks it's broken."

I said as I sighed.

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's not like you could've done anything. It's fucking Kylie again. She knows that's my bad knee and she did what she did as revenge."

I said with a sigh.

"Well just call me when you guys are done at the hospital."

Finn said.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

Finn said as I hung up. I sighed as Sasha and I got out to the car.

"I'm gonna ask for a match against Kylie."

Sasha said.

"You don't have to do that."

I said as we got in the car.

"Of course I do. You're my best friend. I'm gonna kick her ass for you."

Sasha said with a smile.


I said with a sigh.

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