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"Good match girlie."

I said, hugging Sasha.

"Yeah, we should have more mixed tag matches. That was amazing."

She said. Aaron, Sami, Sasha, and I made our way out of the gorilla and found our gym bags.

"Damn, Finn blew my phone up."

I said, pulling my phone outta my bag. I scrolled through my notifications until I got to the text from Finn.

Finn 💍❤️:
What the actual fuck is this Bayley?! You leave for one night and people have to send me photos of you and Aaron doing god knows what?! I'm so fucking sick of you lying to me Bayley. And Aaron...he's fucking dead. You two might not even wanna come back to Orlando. God, I don't even know you anymore. Are you still the girl I married? Are you still the girl I fell in love with? Cause I miss that girl. I hope you two have fun for the next three weeks cause now you'll have to come home and explain to our kids on why Mommy has to leave again.

"Bayley, are you okay?"

Aaron asked, looking at me. I pulled up the photo attached to the text as I shook my head.

"He thinks I cheated on him."

I said, showing Aaron my phone.

"I'm sorry, Bay. This is my fault."

He said, hugging me as I cried.

"I just don't get why he's so insecure about our relationship. He knows I love him. He probably won't even believe me that nothing happened and now I'm gonna have to go home and fight with him in front of the kids and he'll probably kick me out."

I sobbed.

"Shh. If you need somewhere to stay, you can stay with me. This is my fault anyway."

"Thank you."

I said, wiping my tears.

"No problem. Let's just enjoy ourselves for the next three weeks, okay?"


I said with a smile.

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