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Aria yelled as Aaron and I walked into Sasha and Sami's house.

"Hey sweetie."

I said, picking her up. We walked into the living room and found Sasha and Sami.

"Hey bestie."

Sasha said, hugging me.

"Hey. Aria, go play with Savannah for a bit so I can talk to Aunt Sasha and Uncle Sami."

I said, putting her down. She ran off as Aaron and I sat on the couch.

"So, how's training going?"

I asked Sasha.

"Pretty good. My tryout is next week so I hope I can get cleared and get back in the ring."

She said.

"So, are you two a thing now?"

Sami asked, looking at Aaron and I.

"No. We're just roommates."

I said, looking at him.


Sami said, raising an eyebrow.

"Have you talked to Finn recently?"

Sasha asked.

"No. You should've saw that fucking Kylie bitch. She had the nerve to tell me that I'm a bad mom and that I'm a lying, cheating, slut."

I said, sucking my teeth.

"Damn. Did you kick her ass?"

Sasha asked.

"I slapped her. I can't wait to fuck her up in the ring. And i hope Finn is there to witness what's gonna happen to his little toy."

I said.

"Are you jealous of them Bay?"

Sami asked.

"Me? Jealous? Of what? That he wants her instead of me? That he wants to lay with her at night? That he loves her and not me?"

I asked, tears filling my eyes.

"I'm not jealous. I'm fine. Absolutely fine."

I said, bottling my emotions up. But I wasn't fine. I wanted the love of my life. But, yet again, he wanted Kylie. So I had to tough it up and bottling everything up for Aria. And I'll act like I never even gave a second thought to them. Even thought they're all I think about...

forever.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora