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"So, how's Finn doing?"

Charlotte asked.

"He's pretty good. He said that he's meeting with a therapist today at the hospital today."

"That's good. Then when he comes home he'll be on the road to stability."

Aaron said, putting his hand on my knee.

"Yeah. I'm just happy he's alive. I love him so much."

I said as I smiled.

"Has he opened up about why he wanted to commit suicide?"

Charlotte asked.

"Not to me. I'm hoping the therapist can get him to open up but who knows."

I said.

"As long as he's happy and healthy."

I said with a smile.

Finn's POV

"Why did I do it? Easy. Kylie. She told me Bayley hated me. That she was gonna take all of my kids. I couldn't live without my kids or her. Kylie kept telling my that Aria was gonna hate me for forever and that Bayley was gonna rip my kids away from me. So I snapped. She just kept persisting and telling me these things so one day I said fuck it and tried to overdose."

I said as sighed.

"Listen, I love Bayley and Aria and Chloe and Dylan and Noah and Brooklyn with everything in me. If it wasn't for that dumb bitch Kylie, I wouldn't have done this."

I said, staring at the ground. I didn't want anyone to think I was insane. I wasn't. I was being emotionally abused by Kylie. I just hoped everyone believed me...

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