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"Don't talk to me Finn."

I said, putting my hand up as Finn followed me to catering.

"Bayley, c'mon. Don't be like that."

Finn said, grabbing my hand.

"Let go of me."

I said, turning to him.

"Not until you talk to me."

"Do you really wanna find some where else to sleep tonight?"

I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't threaten me."

Finn said as his grip got tighter.

"Get off me Finn."

I said as I tried to shove him off me. Finn let go of me as I rubbed my wrist.

"I'm not traveling with you this weekend."

I said, starting to walk away.

"And find yourself another hotel room cause you aren't sleeping with me tonight!"

I yelled as I turned the corner.

"Woah. What are you yelling about?"

Sasha asked.

"Finn. Him, Cass, and Enzo were talking to Adam and when I asked what they were talking about and they kicked me out. So I was rightfully mad and I told Finn I didn't wanna talk and he grabbed my wrist really roughly."

I said with a sigh.

"Damn. You wanna leave?"

Sasha asked.

"Yes please. Tonight has been shitty."

I said as we walked to the locker room to grab our bags.

Later That Night

"Why did I have to get married? I could've just bought a puppy!"

I said, throwing my phone into the cup holder as Sasha laughed at me.

"Don't get married Sash. It's a trap."

I whined.

"Too late. I already have this."

She said, throwing up the hand with her engagement ring on it.

"It's a trap."

I said with a sigh.

"Whatever you say."

She said as I laughed.

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