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"Aria? Can we talk for a second?"

I said, walking into the living room. Finn and I usually let Aria stay up longer than the other kids since she was older than the other kids. And this way we got to spend some one-on-one time with her.

"Of course."

Aria said, crawling up on the couch between Finn and I.

"What's up?"

Aria asked.

"So, Daddy and I just want to make sure you aren't feeling left out or you don't feel like we give you enough attention. Especially since I'm going back to training."

I said, taking a deep breath.

"No, Mommy. I'm excited! I can't wait to see you in the ring again!"

Aria said with a smile.

"Great. And when Mommy goes back on the road, you're going to be okay with helping Daddy out with your siblings?"

"Yes, Mommy. I just want you to be happy and in the ring again."

Aria said. Her comment really warmed my heart.


I said, hugging her.

"Now, what do you want to watch on the network before bedtime?"

I asked her.

"Daddy vs Aaron!"

Aria yelled with a smile.

"You really like that match, don't you?"

Finn asked her.


"Good. Because I did it for you and your mommy."

Finn said, kissing the top on her head. I smiled, putting the match on and cuddling into Finn's arm. Eventually, Aria cuddled up next to me and all three of us fell asleep on the couch. This is all I needed right here. Family.

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