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"I wanna feel your heartbeat but it doesn't beat for me no more."

I sang along as I stared at the photo of Finn and I. I stared at the photo for a while as I sighed.

"You okay, Mommy?"

Aria asked as she stood at the door.

"Yeah, baby."

I said, bottling everything up.

"Well, dinner is ready."

She said.

"Alright. I'll be out in a moment."

I said, biting my lip. She walked away as I changed the song that was blasting through the speaker.

"No I don't have you here with me but at least I have the memory. I tried to make it through the night but I can't control my mind."

I sang as I sighed.

"But at least I have the memory."

Finn's POV

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

Kylie asked as I picked at my food.

"No, it's good. It's just...this is Bayley's favorite."

I said with a sigh.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't worry about that little whore."

Kylie said, walking around the table and kissing my cheek.

Bayley use to do that when I was upset.

"I'm gonna head upstairs."

I said, getting out of my seat.

"Oh, okay."

Kylie said. I kissed her before turning around and going upstairs.

Bayley's POV

"Hey Mommy?"

Aria asked as we ate.

"Yeah sweetie?"

I asked her.

"Do you think we could go see Daddy tomorrow? Just for a quick visit?"

Aria asked. I looked at Aaron and back at her.

"Sure, sweetie."

I said as she smiled.

"Yay! Thank you!"

She said, hugging me.

"Of course."

I said, hugging her.

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