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"Get any sleep?"

Sasha asked, walking down the hall.

"Nope. Besides my phone blowing up with nasty messages and Brooklyn moving and kicking, no sleep."

I said with a sigh.

"Who was sending you nasty messages?"

Sasha asked.

"A mixture of Finn and Seth. Apparently Finn took it to Twitter. I don't know and frankly I don't care."

I said. Sasha opened her phone up and started scrolling through Twitter, trying to find the tweet.

"Bay, you might wanna see this."

She said, handing me the phone. When I read the tweet, my heart sunk.

you love her that much @wwerollins? fine. have her. you two deserve each other.

"What the hell?! I didn't do anything!"

I yelled, handing Sasha back her phone.

"You sure you didn't do anything?"

Sasha asked me.

"Sash, I'm positive. I swear on my kids lives. I swear on Mia's grave that I didn't do anything."

I said.

"Okay. Calm down."

Sasha said.

"He just blows up my phone all night, tweet that, then thinks he can apologize over text."

I said, scrolling through my texts from Finn.

"I'm done. I'm done with both of them. Fuck men."

I said, throwing my phone down.

"What are you gonna do?"

Sasha asked.

"I'm really tempted to get my own apartment. I can't deal with this stress right now."

I said.

"Well whatever you do, Sami and I will support you. And we'll help you with whatever you need."

Sasha said.

"Thanks Sash. I love you."

I said, hugging her.

"I love you too Bay."

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