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"And I didn't do anything and he still thinks I did. I have no idea how to make him believe me, Sash."

I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Bay, don't get yourself worked up over nothing. You shouldn't be stressing over this, especially right now."

Sasha said.

"How am I not supposed to get worked up? I've been nothing but loyal to Finn and he doesn't care!"

I said.

"Bayley, I know you're hurting right now. I would be too. But for you and Brooklyn's sake, you need to calm down."

Sami said. I sat back onto the couch as I wiped my tears. Sasha picked up my phone and started scrolling through it.

"He's blowing your phone up, Bay."

Sasha said.

"I don't care. He can believe whatever he wants to believe. I'm done. I'm going to get a hotel."

I said, standing up.

"Don't get a hotel. Stay here."

Sasha said.

"I don't wanna intrude."

I said, biting my lip.

"You aren't. You know you and Brooklyn are always welcome here."

Sami said, hugging me.

"Thank you guys."

I said.

"Always. You're family Bay. You know that."

Sasha said with a smile. Even though my heart was hurting, it felt great knowing I always had Sasha and Sami on my side. Cause I wasn't ready to go back to Finn until he believed the truth...

forever.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora