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I looked down at the frame as I placed it down on Adam and I's dresser. I wiped the tears from my cheeks as I smiled.

"You okay?"

Adam asked, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just hard."

I said, biting my lip.

"I can only imagine."

"She would've been 5. She was so, so little."

I said as I cried into my hands.

"Come here."

Adam said, hugging me.

"I miss her Adam. I want her back so freaking badly."

I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I know baby. I wish I could bring her back to you."

"You just don't understand. I'm gonna call Finn."

I said, grabbing my phone.

"No, don't."

Adam said, snatching my phone from my hands.

"What the hell?! Give it back."

I said, trying to grab my phone.

"I told you I don't want you talking to Finn. Now stop."

Adam said, throwing my phone onto the ground.

"Adam! What the fuck?!"

I yelled, grabbing my phone.

"Great. Now it's shattered."

I said, picking it up.

"Are you not gonna talk to Finn?"

Adam asked, grabbing my arm tightly.

"Get the hell off me!"

I yelled, shoving him.

"You're psycho!"

I screamed at him before stomping downstairs. What the hell had gotten into him!

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