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Finn's POV

"I'm really trying to help you, but you need to get your mouth off her."

Sami said as I sighed.

"What's the point in trying anymore? I already said what I said."

I said.

"You know, you're acting like a huge dick. I don't know what the hell has gotten into you recently. Maybe you and Seth switched souls are something because instead of running his mouth on Twitter, Seth texts Bayley and at least attempts to make sure her and Brooklyn are okay."

Sasha yelled at me.

"Sasha, calm down."

Sami said.

"No, Sami. My best friend cries every night for Finn. She might act like she has it together, but every night I hear her sobbing on our couch. She loves you with all of her heart, Finn. Why can't you just believe her for once in your damn life?!"

"Because she's fucked me over how many times, Sash? And now that she's shedding tears, I should let her back? How do you know she's not lying to you Sash?"

I yelled at her.

"Because she swore on your kids lives! She swore on Mia's grave Finn! Don't you understand how much her kids mean to her? If she was lying, she wouldn't have sworn on them."

Sasha yelled back. My heart dropped.

"I fucked up. I fucked up."

I said, starting to pace the room.

"Yeah, no shit."

Sami said as he rolled his eyes.

"Fuck! I should've believed her."

I yelled, hitting the island.

"I don't even know how to get her back this time. I fucked up big time."

I said.

"Why don't you just invite her out somewhere and talk. She loves you, Finn. Don't you love her?"

Sami asked.

"Of course I love her. I gotta get her back."

I said, biting my lip. I felt like such a horrible person. I just needed to get her back...

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