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2 Weeks Later

"Don't say you miss me when you don't call. Don't say your hurting without the scars."

I sang as Sasha, Sami, and I sat outside by the fire.

"I relate to this song too much."

I said, looking down at my phone. Sasha laughed as I sighed.

"Do you miss him?"

She asked.

"I don't know anymore. Didn't you see what he tweeted yesterday?"

I asked her.

"That you're a lousy mother? Yeah, I saw it."

Sasha said.

"I can't believe he said all those things."

Sami added.

"He calls me a lousy mother yet he's the one stressing me out during my pregnancy. Who's the lousy parent now?"

I asked, biting my lip.

"I just wish this would all go away."

I said, putting a hand on my bump.

"At least Brooklyn will be here in two months."

Sasha said.

"Except I have no idea where I'm going when she's born. If Finn keeps acting like this, I have no problem serving him divorce papers."

I said with a deep breath.

"Maybe you two should sit and talk."

Sami suggested.

"He doesn't wanna talk. He wants to run his mouth on Twitter. If he doesn't care about me or Brooklyn, then whatever I guess."

I said.

"Maybe you should just invite him out to lunch and at least try and talk this out."

Sasha said. I sighed as I bit my lip. She had a point. It couldn't hurt. But was I ready to let Finn back in after all the hurt he's caused?

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