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"I miss them."

I said, looking at the photo of Aria, Noah, Chloe, and Dylan.

"Why don't you go see them?"

Sasha asked, walking into the living room with Siena and Brooklyn on her hip.

"Because I'm not going to deal with Finn. He probably won't even let me see them."

I said, taking Brooklyn from her arms.

"So, how are you and Adam?"

Sasha asked as we sat on the couch.

"We're doing really great. I really like him, Sash. I think we're gonna be together for a while."

I said with a smile.

"Does Brooke like him?"

"Brooke loves him. She even knows I'm talking about him when I saw 'Daddy'."

"Don't you think you're confusing her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Adam isn't her actual father. Don't you think if she believes he is for years that she's gonna be mad when she finds out he isn't?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, Adam is her father. And she's happy. That's all I care about. Her being happy."

I said, looking at Brooklyn.

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