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"Have fun guys."

I said, hugging Aria.

"We will. I'll see you soon, Mommy."

Aria said.

"I'll see you guys soon."

I smiled as Seth took Chloe, Dylan, Aria, and Noah out to the driveway to meet Finn. I stared out the window and watched Finn's car pulled up. There was someone in the passenger side. I sighed, waiting for Seth to come back in the house.

"Why are you pouting?"

Seth asked, walking into the house.

"Who's in the car with him?"

I asked, crossing my arms.


Seth said, rolling his eyes.

"What?! He's taking her to Ireland?! I've never even been to Ireland!"

I screamed.

"Babe, chill. Why do you care so much?"

Seth asked. I took a deep breath as I uncrossed my arms.

"I don't."

I said.

"Good. Because you shouldn't care what they are doing. Cause Kylie will never, ever, ever be half the woman you are. I'd like to see her get in the ring."

Seth said as I giggled.

"Now, There's my favorite smile in the world. I love you."

"I love you too. Now, what should we do?"

I asked, kissing him.

"I just wanna chill with my favorite girls ever. I'm going to go see if Emery is awake."

Seth said, walking down the hall. Once he turned around, all my anger came back. Finn said he regrets being late to the café but he was probably with Kylie. My blood was boiling. He's lucky I'm not calling him and telling him to bring my kids back. I just wanted to scream. If this was the game he wanted to play, then let's play.

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