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"Guess what I have!"



Adam said, holding a piece of mistletoe over my head. I laughed as I kissed him.

"Nothing like vomiting up dinner."

Finn said as I sighed.

"Don't be jealous."

I said.

"I'm definitely not jealous of you. I'm jealous of him, but not you."

Finn said. I sighed as Adam and I sat down on the couch. I laid my legs across his lap as I smiled.

"You're so freaking adorable."

Adam said as I smiled.

"I could literally just kiss you for days."

Adam said, attacking my face with kisses. I giggled as he continued.

Finn's POV

Watching them made me sick. That should be me holding Bayley. It should be me holding her. It should be us raising the kids. Not this Adam guy.

The longer they were together, the less hope I had for us getting back together. She was falling deeper in love with him and falling out of love with me.

At least I got to spend Christmas with her. She might hate me, but I still had something for her. I couldn't wait for Christmas morning.

The only reason I came to San Jose was to see her. I wanted to show her how much I still loved her, but my time was up. All she did was show me how deeply in love she was with Adam. And I guess I deserved that. I deserved to see she was happy with someone else. I just wish I could get her back...

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