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"You wanna tell me about this letter?"

I asked Finn as I hopped up on a crate.

"You're just gonna have to find it when you get home, love."

Finn teased as I rolled my eyes.

"I hate you."

"I love you too, Squish."

Finn said.

"Where's the letter at?"

I asked him.

"Well, So Kylie wouldn't take it, I put it in the frame."

"The frame?"

"The frame."

Finn said.

"I knew Kylie wouldn't touch it and I knew if I died you would want that frame so I put it in there."

Finn said.

"Alright. I'm reading it when I get back home tomorrow."

"Whatever you want, love."

Finn said as I smiled.

The Next Day

"Found it."

I said, opening the frame. I pulled the paper out and quickly opened it up.

Dear Bayley + the kids,
If you're reading this, I died. First off, I'm sorry. Kylie drove me to this. She told me that you guys hated me. I couldn't take it anymore. My mind was going insane. Bayley, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone with 5 kids in the middle of your career. I hate to drop 1000 pounds of responsibility onto you so suddenly. Aria, I love you, even if you hate me. I'll always love you. Chloe, Dylan, and Noah, we've become so close recently and I love you guys so much. Brooklyn, I'm sorry I never got to watch you grow up to be the amazing little girl I know you will be. I love you guys so much. Bayley, these 9 years have been incredible. Thank you for loving and hating me. You're truly the love of my life. Thank you for being Mrs. Devitt. I love you Pamela. Thank you...Squish.

I wiped my tears as I sighed. I had no idea how he felt. I wish I was there for him. But now...I was gonna be there for him. No matter what.

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