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"I can't even go near her."

I sighed as we all sat at a table.

"I wish there was some way we could help you Bay."

Becky said.

"I just can't believe the court still gave him custody after all you've been through with him."

Charlotte said.

"I don't know. I just gotta learn that he has custody of her and that I won't be able to see her till she's 18. It's gonna be hard to get use to, but I'll have to adjust."

I said.

"Can you appeal the court's decision?"

Sami asked. I shook my head as I looked down.

"Maybe we should just stop talking about it."

Finn said, putting his hand on my knee. I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder. I just wanted my life back. I wanted my baby back. I closed my eyes till I heard someone come into catering.

I looked over to see Seth, Emery, and the mystery girl walk in. It was like they were almost following us.


I heard Emery yell as she ran over to me. I couldn't touch her. Legally, I wasn't allowed. Emotionally, I wanted to give her the biggest hug ever.

"Mommy I miss you. When can I come home?"

I heard Emery ask. I looked over at Finn as my heart shattered.

"C'mon Em. You aren't allowed over here."

I heard Seth say. Finn looked at me and pulled me into his arms. I didn't wanna cry. I wanted to scream. I was so frustrated. Why was life so unfair?

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