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"I'm gonna kill her, Adam. I swear to god."

I said, dialing Sasha's number.

"Bay, you need to calm down before you say something you're gonna regret."

Adam said, grabbing my phone.

"How am I suppose to calm down when that deadbeat has my daughter?!"

I yelled.

"Shh. It's okay baby. We're gonna be home tomorrow and we will go get Brooklyn and Sasha won't be allowed to watch her ever again. Everything will be okay."

Adan said, wrapping me up in his arms.

"Everything is not okay. What if he takes her? What if he does something to her? What if he confuses her and tries to make her think that he's her father. Cause he's not! He's never been her father."

I said, bursting into tears.

"Baby, don't cry. I hate when you cry. We will get her. And when we get her, we will hold her so tightly. I promise. I'll kick his ass if he took our baby girl."

Adam said. I nodded as I bit my lip. I just wanted my baby girl back...

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