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"She looks just like you."

Adam said as I smiled at Brooklyn.

"You think?"

I asked him.

"For sure. She's got your gorgeous eyes. And your nose. And your facial structure. She's beautiful. Just like her mom."

He said, kissing the top of my head.

"She's just so perfect."

I said, smiling. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey. The results are in."

Seth said, poking his head in the door. Seth and Finn walked in and handed me a piece of folded up piece of paper.

"You haven't looked, right?"

I asked them.


Seth said. I put Brooklyn in her little bed and opened the paper.

"She's Finn's."

I said, throwing the paper down. I was trying not to cry. I wanted to be done with him. I wanted to tie off the loose ends. But now he's here to stay.

"I'm sorry Seth."

I said.

"It's okay. I still wanna be friends with you two."

He said, looking at Adam and I.

"Of course."

I said. Seth hugged Adam and I before walking out of the room. My emotions were everywhere. I was angry, pissed, sad, and confused. I looked at Finn with nothing but disgust.

"You okay?"

Adam asked, wrapping his arm around me. I shook my head as I laid back onto the bed. I had no idea what to do now. I didn't wanna be around Finn, but I had no choice. I just wanted what was best for Brooklyn...and I don't know if Finn is what's best...

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