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2 Weeks Later

"I'm actually surprised she slept the whole plane ride."

I said, looking down at Brooklyn who was fast asleep in her carrier.

"Yeah. We got ourselves a great baby."

Adam said as I smiled.

"Yeah we do."

I said as we walked over and grabbed our luggage.

"I'm nervous."

I said, biting my lip.


Adam asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What if your family doesn't like me? Or they don't like Brooklyn or the way I raise Brooklyn ."

"Shh, Bay. Don't worry about any of that. They're gonna love you. I love you. Don't stress and just be yourself. That's how I fell in love with you."

Adam said as I smiled.

"I'm in love with you too."

I said, kissing him.

30 Minutes Later

"Pennsylvania is so much more different then Orlando or San Jose."

I said, looking out the window.

"Welcome to the country, city girl."

Adam said, placing his hand on my knee.

"Shut up."

I said as I laughed.

"I love you."

Adam said, looking at me.

"I love you too."

I said, kissing him.

"Here we are."

Adam said, pulling up to a house. I took a deep breath and looked at the house.

"Still nervous?"

Adam asked. I nodded my head as I sighed.

"Hey, don't be. My family is gonna love you. I promise."

Adam said, kissing my hand.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Adam said as I smiled.

"Okay. I'm gonna grab Brooke."

I said, getting out of the car. I grabbed Brooklyn's car seat as Adam grabbed our bags.


Adam asked me.


I said. We walked up to the house and were greeted by an older lady.


She said, hugging him.

"Hey Mom."

He said, hugging her.

"This must be Bayley and Brooklyn!"

She said, looking at me.


I said as I smiled.

"Hey sweetie. So if you're Bayley then this precious one must be Brooklyn."

She said, smiling Brooklyn in her carrier. Brooklyn giggled as I smiled.

"Alright, can we go inside. It's really cold."

Adam said as I laughed. We walked into the house and were greeted by his Dad and his little brother, Jack. We sat down on the couch as I just listened to everyone talking to Adam before my name was brought in.

"So, how did you two meet?"

Adam's Dad asked.

"Mutual friend."

Adam said.

"And now long have you two been together?"

"Almost 7 Months."

"So there's no way Brooklyn can be your baby."

Adam's Mom said.


"She's not, okay? But I've loved her like my own since the second she was born. And I love Bayley with all of my heart. These two are my entire life."

Adam said.

"But, she's not your baby."

Adam's Mom said.

"Alright, that's enough. C'mon Bay. I'm sorry you have to hear this shit."

Adam said as we walked toward the door.


"No. You don't get to sit here and disrespect the family I made for myself. You don't know Bayley. And you clearly don't want to. So we'll just go back to Orlando. Happy Thanksgiving."

Adam said as we walked out the door.

"I'm sorry for all that shit."

Adam said as I put Brooklyn in the back seat.

"It's okay."

"No. It's not. I love you Bayley. No one gets to disrespect you or Brooklyn."

"I love you too."

I said, kissing him.

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