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I stared at the wall as I sighed. I couldn't sleep. My mind was running rampid. I grabbed my phone and pressed the lock screen. I smiled as I looked at the photo of Finn and I. My heart ached. I just wanted him back.

I unlocked my phone and looked through my photos. All the good times came rushing back to me. I smiled at the photo from my first day of training with Finn. I was sitting on Finn's shoulder as we were both flexing our arms. I laughed, thinking how ridiculous we both are.

Gosh, I am so in love with this man. I just wish he felt the same way about me. I thought he loved me. I thought he might've wanted to be with me, but I guess not.

Now what? I was suppose to live happily ever after with him. We were suppose to be Mr. and Mrs. Devitt for life. We were suppose to be all fairy tales and rainbows. We were suppose to be happily ever after. And now we aren't anything.

Finn's POV

I smiled as I stared at the TV. I was watching one of Bayley's matches and it just made me so happy to see her so passionate.

I missed that girl so much. I missed holding her in my arms. I missed kissing her cute, cute cheeks. I missed making her smile. I just missed her.

I sighed, turning my attention back to the TV. I remember the night this match took place. The Monday before Fastlane. The Monday before she became a 3x women's champion. Gosh, I'm so proud of this girl. Watching this stuff just made me even more sad.

I just want her.

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