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Finn's POV

I closed the door to the twins' room as I sighed. Tonight had been such a long night. Seeing Bayley broke my heart. Seeing her kiss Seth hurt worse. But I couldn't just tell her I still loved her. Cause then Seth and I would probably fight. He already won. And he knows that.

I wanted to move on, but how do you just move on from the love of your life? The person who owns your heart. The mother of my kids. The person I've spent almost nine years with. The person I just wanted in my bed at night. The person I just wanted them to know how much I loved them.

I walked into my bedroom and walked to my bedside table. I opened the drawer and pulled out two small boxes. I opened them up and stared at Bayley's wedding and engagement ring. They belonged on her finger.

I wanted to break down into tears. Why couldn't I just move on? Why did she have so much control over me? I wanted to move on and be happy, but I couldn't be happy without Bayley. I couldn't be happy with my broken family.

I put the rings back and crawled into bed. But I wasn't going to sleep. I never do sleep at night. Bayley consumes my mind. She consumes everything I do. Maybe I could sabotage her and Seth somehow. No, she deserves happiness.

Maybe I should just be happy she's happy. She seems like she's moved on. She seems like Seth made her happy. It was my fault for not telling her how I felt faster. Even though I was late to the Café, I had two months to call her and tell her how I feel.

This wouldn't have happened if I didn't blow up on her about Emery. She's the Mom and Seth is the dad. I just needed to accept it. The only thing I couldn't accept was that she was happy with Seth. I just wanted her back. I wanted her.

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