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When we got to the hospital, all I wanted to do was see my kids. I wanted to hug them so tightly. We walked down the hall as I saw Kylie sitting in the waiting room.

"What the hell is she doing here? I told you not to tell her."

Kylie said to Sami and Sasha.

"She's his wife. She has every right to be here. Where's the kids?"

Sasha asked, crossing her arms.

"They're in there."

Kylie said, pointing to Finn's room. Sasha and Sami day with Aria as I walked into the room. My heart broke at the scene. Before I could even notice Finn, I looked at all my kids. They were sitting on his bed, tear-stained faces, as the all talked to each other. Brooklyn cuddled herself into Finn's arm while the other kids just sat at the bottom of the bed.

"Why did this happen?"

Chloe asked.

"I don't know."

Noah responded.

"Hey guys."

I said, getting their attention.


Chloe said, jumping off the bed and into my arms.

"Hey guys."

I said, hugging them.


Noah said quietly as he hugged me.

"Are you guys okay?"

I asked them.

"I'm so confused. Why did this happen?"

Noah asked. I sighed as I bit my lip.

"Sometimes, people do things that hurt others and those others get bad thoughts because of it. And sometimes they act on those bad thoughts."

I said.

"Is Daddy gonna be okay?"

Dylan asked.

"I can't answer that, buddy. We just need to stick together right now, Okay?"

I asked, wiping his tears.


He said as the walked out to the waiting room. I picked up a sleeping Brooklyn and carried her out to the waiting room.

"You're so lucky my kids or here because if they weren't you'd be getting a new one right about now."

I whispered to Kylie. My voice was full of disgust. I know I caused this, but she did absolutely nothing to help him. And now here we are. My kids are devastated, my heart is broke, and for what? Because Kylie couldn't help pick up the broken pieces? I just wanted Finn to be okay....

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