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"Mommy, don't go!"

Dylan whined as I packed my bags.

"Baby, I gotta go. You know that."

I said as I sighed. All the kids sat on the bed as I packed my bag for the next three weeks on the road.

"Can't you just say you're sick?!"

Chloe whined.

"I wish I could baby."

"I just miss you being at home."

Chloe said.

"Chlo, Mommy has to go live her dream. You want her to be happy, right?"

Aria asked.


"Well, wrestling makes her happy. She loves us, but wrestling is the reason we are all here today. That's how Mommy met Daddy. So let her be happy."

Aria said.

"I love you guys, you know that. I don't wanna wrestle if you guys don't want me too."

I said

"No, Mommy. Don't stop because of us."

Noah said.

"What's going on in here?"

Finn asked, walking in the room with Brooklyn in his arms.

"Just having a family talk."

I said with a sigh.


Brooklyn cooed as I smiled.

"Hey, baby girl."

I said, taking her out of Finn's arms.

"You guys gonna watch me on Raw?"

I asked the kids.

"Yes Mommy!"

Noah said as I smiled.

"I love you guys."

I said, hugging them.

"We Love you Too."

Aria said. This is all I needed in my life. My husband. My kids. My family. They're my everything...

forever.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora