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"Bayley, just talk to me!"

"Just leave me alone!"

I screamed at Adam.

"Just talk to me and I'll leave you alone!"

"That's the opposite of leaving me alone!"

I yelled, turning my back on him.

"I said to fucking talk to me!"

Adam yelled, grabbing my arm, pulling it behind my back, and pinning me against a wall.

"Why are you doing this?"

I asked as I started crying.

"You don't listen well, do you?"

Adam asked, grabbing my hair and bending my neck back.

"Let me the fuck go!"

I yelled as he grip got tighter.

"Why are you doing this?"

I cried.

"Because you don't listen. And I'm sick of it. You aren't Finn's girl. You're mine. Start acting like it."

Adam said, letting go of me. I turned around and rubbed my arm.

"You're fucking insane!"

I screamed at him.

"Shut up!"

Adam yelled in my face.

"I hate you! I'm taking my daughter and I'm getting the fuck away from you!"

I yelled at him. I started walking towards the stairs but Adam grabbed my hair.

"You aren't going anywhere. Now get the fuck upstairs and go to bed. If you tell anyone about our little incident, and you'll pay. Got it?"

Adam whispered in my ear. He was just like Aaron. I nodded my head as I gulped.

"Now go to bed."

Adam said, letting go of me. I ran upstairs and sobbed my eyes out. He was so sweet. How could he do this to me? To Brooklyn? I needed to get out of here...but I had no idea how.

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