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Finn's POV

I smiled as I stared at the floor. Brooklyn was mine. She was my baby girl. I was devastated that Bayley kicked me out during her birth...but I knew it was because of Adam.

I hated him. I hated that Bayley listened to him. I hated that he was the one holding her at night. I hated that we were headed towards divorce because of him. And I hated that she wanted him more then she wanted me.

But I couldn't blame her. She's not the only one who's fucked up. I cheated on her before. I kissed my ex before. I wasn't innocent at all. I wish I could go back and change everything.

I looked back and saw Bayley and Adam laying in bed together. It made me sick. That's what I always did with her after she had the kids. It hurt my heart. But I had to accept that she wanted him, not me.

Should I file the divorce papers? No. I don't wanna let her go. I know I'm going to have to one day, but I'll wait for her to decide that.

I sighed, looking at Bayley. She looked so peaceful in Adam's arms. She looked so happy and pure. I still fall more in love with this girl everyday. She could be screaming at me and all I would be able to notice is her beautiful brown eyes. I just wanted her back in my arms...

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