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"God you're so controlling!"

I yelled, slamming the door shut. I walked out to the living room as I wrapped a blanket around myself. Adam kept telling me to not be around Finn and my family for certain amounts of time and it honestly was pissing me off.

"What's wrong?"

Finn asked as I walked into the living.

"Adam is pissing me off."

I said.

"Come here."

Finn said, patting the seat next to him. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. Finn wrapped his arm around me as I sighed.

"You tired?"

Finn asked. I nodded as I yawned.

"Go to bed. I'll stay here with you."

Finn said, laying my head on his lap as I fell asleep.

2 Hours Later

"You're a jealous piece of shit! Get over her already!"

I heard Adam yell. I opened my eyes to see Finn and Adam screaming at each other. Aria and Noah sat on the couch behind them, watching on.

"Why are you with her? To further your career?"

Finn yelled.

"Daddy, please stop yelling."

Noah said, standing up and grabbing his hand.

"Baby, stop."

I yelled, jumping up and walking over to Noah. Adam swung at Finn and when Finn ducked, he accidentally knocked Noah to the ground. I picked Noah up off the ground and dusted him off.

"It's okay. It was an accident."

I said as Noah started crying.

"Shhh. Take your brother to the bedroom."

I said to Aria. Once the kids left, I turned around. Then I felt something hit me in my previously broken jaw. I looked up and saw Adam looking guilty.

"Now you're fucking dead."

Finn said, shoving Adam against a wall.

"Never, ever lay a hand on my kids or my wife."

Finn yelled.

"Okay that's enough!"

Liam asked, breaking it up. As the guys calmed down, my mom checked on me.

"It hurts like hell."

I said, grabbing my jaw.

"Alright, let's get you ice and then we'll see if it bruised up."

She said, guiding me to the kitchen. I wanted to be pissed at Adam, but I wasn't. I wasn't mad at anyone. I was more mad at myself for getting in between. I just hoped it wasn't broke...

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