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"C'mon Bay. You need to pack for the weekend."

Finn said, sitting on the bed and rubbing my side.

"I don't wanna go on the road. I don't wanna get in the ring and I just wanna stay in bed."

I said from under the covers.

"Babe you can't let him win. You've worked so hard to get back in the ring, you need to go work on your career."

Finn said. I moved the blanket from my head and sat up.

"I just miss her already, Finn."

I said.

"I know baby. We just need to power through this pain together. Okay?"

Finn asked. I nodded my head as he kissed me. I walked over to my closet and pulled out my suitcases.

"Ugh, I hate packing!"

I whined.

"You're so adorable."

Finn said, kissing my cheek. I packed my clothes and ring gear up quickly and set my bags to the side.

"This is going to be such a shitty weekend."

I said, rubbing my face.

"Don't let it be. Just make this weekend great."

Finn said.

"I just wish Sasha was gonna be there."

"Won't Mella, Charlotte, and Becky be there?"

"Yeah and I love them but it's not the same. I don't know maybe it's my chance to get closer with them."

I said, smiling.

"There you go. Make it positive."

Finn said, smiling.

"I love you."

I said, kissing him.

"I love you too."

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