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"It's Christmas Eve Mommy!"

Chloe yelled as I picked her up.

"I know sweetie! You excited for Santa to come?"

I asked her.


She cheered as I smiled.

"Where's your Dad and Brooke?"

I asked, putting her down.

"In Brooke's bedroom."

She said before running off. I walked down the hall and peeked into the nursery. I smiled as I watched Finn rock Brooklyn. Something about seeing him with the kids warmed my heart. And it was attractive.

"Shhh, Brooke. Don't cry."

Finn said to the fussy baby.

"Tomorrow is Christmas, Brooke. Your first Christmas, so it's special. You won't remember anything but your Mom and I will. I'm sure your Mom will take tons of photos like always. Not that that's a bad thing. She loves savoring the memories. That's one of the many, many things I love about her. There's so much more. You have absolutely no idea how good you have it to have a Mom like her. She loves you so much, Brooke. And I'm so happy I finally have a good relationship with her again and I'll finally get to see you whenever I want. You guys mean the world to me. Now if only we can get rid of that Adam guy."

Finn said with a laugh.

"I'm just kidding. As long as he makes you and your Mommy happy, that's all that matters. But if he ever hurts either of you, he'll pay. I just want you and you Mommy to live the best possible life. I can't wait till you're older and you get to see your Mom in the ring. I know how much you love to watch old matches but wait till you see her. She's so graceful and incredible in the ring. Just watching her makes me wanna get back in a ring. Your Mom is just amazing in every way. I can't wait till you're old enough to realize that."

Finn said. I wiped the tears from my eyes as Finn put a sleeping Brooklyn back in her crib. I went into the living room before Finn could realize I was watching them.

Did he really mean all those things?

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