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"I miss Aria."

I said as Aaron and I stretched.

"I know. At least we'll be home in a couple days and we can hang out with her all we want."

Aaron said.


I said as I looked up and saw someone I definitely didn't want to see.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I asked Kylie.

"New call ups. Didn't ya hear?"

She asked. I rolled my eyes as she crossed her arms.

"You know, you're a real bitch."

"Yeah, I know."

I said.

"You have it so good with Finn and what? You're with him now?"

She asked, looking at Aaron.

"No. He's just a roommate. See? You don't know shit."

"I know that you're a horrible mother and wife."

She said. When she said I was a horrible mother, something struck in me.

"Don't you ever talk about me as a parent when you don't fucking know anything."

I said, getting in her face.

"I know all you care about is getting revenge on Finn. That's why you took his daughter away from him."

"Aria wanted to get the fuck away from you. If you wanna play Mommy, that's fine. You can have fun trying but my kids know who their mother is."

I snapped at her.

"I can't wait to be able to wrestle you."

Kylie said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm gonna kick your teeth down your throat you dumb bitch."

I said as Aaron held me back.

"That's what you think you lying, cheating, dumb slut. Why don't you be a fucking mother once in a while instead of fucking any kind of guy you can get."

Kylie said. That was it. I slapped her.

"Get the fuck outta here!"

I yelled at her as she walked away.

"I hate that dumb bitch so much."

I said with a sigh.

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