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Finn's POV

"Do you think Mommy will come?"

Aria asked, setting the table.

"Aria, we've been over this. Mommy isn't coming."

I said, looking at her.

"I know. I just...miss her."

She said, looking at me.

"I know. I miss her too."

I said, hugging her.

"Why did she leave, Daddy?"

Aria asked me.

"Someone did some very bad things so she had to get away. It wasn't because of you or your brothers and sisters, I promise. Mommy loves you guys so very much."

I said, wiping the stray tear from her cheek.

"I just don't understand why she had to go."

Aria said.

"Listen. When you say things, they have consequences. You know when you yell at Noah and I yell at you for what you say?"

Aria nodded her head.

"That happens to adults too. But sometimes, you say things so mean that the other person leaves. Kinda how you storm off to your room sometimes. But that's what happened. Someone said some very mean things to Mommy so she had to leave."

"What's Mommy doing now?"

"Well, she found someone who doesn't say mean things to her. He only says very nice things to her. And he hugs her tightly when she's upset. And Mommy is very happen with that person. So we should never worry if Mommy is okay, Alright?"

I asked her.

"Alright. I love you Daddy."

Aria said, hugging me.

"I love you too Aria."

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