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"You ready, Princess?"

Ricky asked as I walked out of the arena.

"Shut up."

I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Can I talk to you before Aaron gets out here?"

Ricky asked.


I said as I loaded my bags into the car.

"I think Aaron still has feelings for you."


"So, you might want to shut that shit down. The way he talks about you and the way he looks at you...he's in love with you, Bay. And I know you love Finn and all that junk but you know how Aaron gets."

Ricky said.

"Listen, if it gets any worse or how it use to be, I'll tell Finn. He'll set him straight if needed. Other than that, I'm not gonna worry about it."

I said.

"Okay just...don't lead him on. He's my best friend and I don't want him to get hurt."


I said, biting my lip.

"You two ready?"

Aaron asked, walking up to him.

"Yep. Princess gets the aux cord."

I called as I got in the car.

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