Originalshipping (Pokémon)

381 21 30

Suggested by: GamerAzialle and Sylveon12.

Original like Rhydon. Keep it shady, with the lights on.

Carry weight like an Aggron, but I can float like a Flygon.

Idk why I just mentioned that. BTW, that's by ShadyPenguinn. I don't deserve credit for those bars.




We have Red and Blue/Green...whatever...uh...

Red and the Blue/Green as in the rival in Gen 1 games. HA.

*almost dabs but then realizes there might be people here who hates dabbing*

Okay, when it comes to Originalshipping, we're gonna be focusing on the manga.

Okay, okay. I'm a bit...idk...strict? Idk. When it comes to ship names.

Like...when we talk of the manga, it's Originalshipping.

When we talk of the games, it's Nameshipping...I MEAN...NAMESHIP...




There we go.

Damn it.

I swear, guys. That wasn't intentional. My fingers really just automatically types Nameshipping.

If ya don't know what a Nameship is, it's an OC ship of mine. You'll see them over at Stuck with them Pokemon Peeps.


Okay, I'll admit. I LOVE THIS SHIP.

Whether it's Red and Blue in the games or manga. IDGAF.

I mean, when we look at the hints in the manga, there is obviously more hints for Specialshipping.


This is that kind of ship where I'm like. "I just ship this, man. Idk why. I just do."

Idk. I usually like those character x rival ships.

Just usually, but not all the time.

Red and Blue.

They've known each other ever since they were kids. They're rivals too.

And if we really think about it, in the manga, they work together well.

Sure, Blue might like doing his own thing sometimes, but still.

I give this ship a solid 9 sly Greens out of 10.

I'm very lenient with rating these ships, honestly. Students will love me as a teacher.

JK. When I help mom with her papers, I'm like "Mom, stop giving considerations to your students. They'll not take your class seriously."

I meeeeean, that mostly comes from the fact that my professors always gave us a hard time. My mom's a part-time college professor, so I want her to act like my professors.

I'm a more serious student than her students, and yet they have better grades? Wow.

Serious student, my ass. I spent more reading and writing fanfics than studying and socializing.

Okay...this ain't the rant book.

Suggest ships, yo. The ships that were suggested before will be talked about eventually. Maybe in the next coming days.

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