Serena x Alain & Aria x Alain

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Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl.

I didn't even bother put the ship name in the title.

Hmmm...let's see.

Serena x Alain is XEvolutionShipping

Aria x Alain is MegaVisionShipping



I've not completed the XYZ anime, so I don't have much things to say about this ship.

Let's start with XEvolutionShipping.

I know they've met, so that's something.

I guess it could be the Ego, Ikari or Flavescentshipping equivalent for Kalos? After all, Alain was kinda like Ash's main rival in Kalos?


I honestly don't know. He was definitely the strongest, though. He did only meet Ash in the XYZ season.

But then...are Sawyer, Trevor or Tierno really like main rivals too?

EHHHHHHHHHHH. IDK. Maybe Ash didn't have a main rival in the Kalos. Kinda like in Hoenn.

Sooooooo...I honestly don't know what to say. I guess it could work, but idk. I honestly don't ship it.

I guess I'll give them a 3 out of 10?

Sorry, guys. The reason why I rated this still is because I know the characters involved. Yeah.


Let's go to MegaVisionShipping.


I guess they could work?

Kalos Queen Performing Lady Aria with the smart and serious Alain.

Yo...their names both start with A. That's extra points.

They're like...I don't know. AA batteries. You can't use some stuff without them.

I don't know, guys xD

I was gonna say that it could be like Geekchic, but then Alain doesn't look geeky. He looks like he could be a protagonist for Final Fantasy.


I've never played Final Fantasy. Well, I have played the Tactics one, but not the actual Final Fantasy. I've only seen my brothers play the game.

That was smol Elemeno's life. She just watched her brothers play video games.


Aria x Alain.




It's actually like preppy girl meets serious af guy.

Huh...not bad. Not bad at all.

I'm honestly not sure if they've met. I watched one AMV, and it looked like they did, but it could've been edited.


But yeah. I guess I'll give this...hmm...6.5 out of 10 for now. It's not bad. Not bad.

I honestly don't ship Aria with anyone. I was a Marissonshipper, but I haven't really been in the mood to ship that recently.

SO IDK. I might ship this. Maybe?

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