GeekDragonShipping (Pokemon)

65 11 17

Suggested by: RivalCrushAngel.


Try guessing who is involved in this one.


Might as well do a guessing game thingy since a lot of you guys were shooketh in the last one.



Okay. Maybe this is easier to predict than the last one.

It's between Clemont and Iris.


So anotha never met ship.

Okay...I'll try to make this as hype as possible. To be honest, I'm feeling dead inside right now. I haven't been in the best mood to write shit, which is why I didn't write this part yesterday. I know, I published Stuck with them Pokemon Peeps 2 yesterday, but that was just editing a chapter I had written the day before.


I was feeling hype while watching the NBA All-Star game a while ago. I was my usual quirky hahaha lol lmao self, but after a while I was like...ugh. I guess it was the weird headache I was experiencing. Idk. Maybe I need to have glasses adjusted. Maybe my right eye is overworking again because it was one of those one-sided headaches I seem to always have. Maybe that. Maybe it's because I was like, "I have to be alert because my mom has a lot of preparations to do before she leaves for work, but then she stayed up late watching Korean dramas so she might wake up late again."

It happens when I didn't sleep too well I guess.


Clemont and Iris.

Like mentioned earlier, it's never met. They have mutual friends in Ash and even Cilan, so that works fucking fantastically.


Personality wise? It's actually interesting.

Nerdy af boi. Cannot fucking run more than a mile for the life of him. Like...same, Clemont. SAME.

Then, we have this athletic girl who can literally swing from vine to vine.


It's another of those comparisons I can have with Kousei and Tsubaki from Your Lie in April.

Except well...Clemont and Iris aren't childhood friends. Iris probably won't be tsundere-ish towards Clemont.

They'll be good pals.

Shipping wise...hmmm....

It's not bad, to be honest. Of course, I do have ships I prefer for both characters, but it's not like I heavily ship them. Oookay, I do have a soft side for GeekchicShipping, though. Personal reasons.


I will give this a solid 6 out of 10 geeky dragons.


Maybe 6 out of 10 Zekroms. Zekrom because it's an electric dragon type.

Where did the 4 other Zekroms go? Idk man, you must have traveled far and beyond just to be able to meet more than one Zekrom.

Well...I have like...idk...4 of them probably if you combine all my games. Like in Black 2, Natural Harmonia Gropius gave me the stone that would help me awaken Zekrom. I then got one from traveling through Ultra Space and another from going near a Hoopa ring. I also got one from an event, and I think that was even shiny. the fuck did I pull this one off?

Welp. Back to being dead inside. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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