Akihito x Mirai RE-RATE!

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I would like to re-rate the Akihito x Mirai ship from last time.

I now watched the movie and HOLY SHIT.

StrangeWeirdFangurl was right when she said that the movie has all them ship scenes...

Granted, maybe I should have watched the whole series again, but that would just be too much feels and I'm...

Guys I cried way too many times watching that movie, damn it. I was crying at some point in the beginning, the middle, towards the end and even that end scene.

LIKE...it already beats Pokemon: The First Movie...well...not really? I just cried in one scene.

I feel like the only other time that I cried in more than one scene in a movie was Big Hero 6, and this movie already beat it towards the middle.

Liek why you do so much feels to me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

LOVE BEATS HATE, DAMN IT. No icky gross youmu shit can beat true love.

Sounds like a Disney movie, but it is how it is.

AND AKKEY LOVE MIRAI EVEN WITHOUT GLASSES...and I'm? Yes, not crying, guys. Like...wow.

Seriously, it's like a Disney movie but in an anime theme, making it even more fucking emotional.


I will now be giving this the perfect 10 out of 10. My feels couldn't handle much feels. Like...




Man, this movie...reminded me of so many things that I forgot about the series. (L O L)

Lesson learned, the song Amnesia is bullshit because you don't wanna wake up with amnesia. Imagine if you did wake up not knowing who you were or what your life has been like. Imagine forgetting why you have a special connection with someone.

D A M N.

What was that about, Elemeno?



Not hating on the song, guys. I'm not here to offend 5 Seconds of Summer and their fandom and that song. If you've been here long enough, you'd know my contributions to the 5SOS fam (not really lol).

But yeah.

I can't believe I forgot the Akihito and Hiroomi bromance.


Also, I was gonna make a Doki Doki Literature Club reference last time, but I forgot to include it.

You know...because the main characters here are also in a Literature Club. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Love always beats hate but in anime form.


This was just supposed to be a short re-rate that I would just add with the next ship, but I guess I've talked too much that this re-rate might as well have its own part yay.

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