CycleShipping (Pokemon)

54 13 15

Suggested by: GamerAzialle.



Can you guess who are in this ship? This ship consists of three characters.

Why am I making you guys guess ships all the time now?


That's fine.


Okay? Have you guessed? Or did you skip? Either way, I don't really mind.

I think I actually discussed this back in Pokemon Shipping A-Z...I honestly don't remember. It's like one of the 2015 shit that I don't remember writing anymore.

To those who have been here since 2015, do you guys still remember all the things you wrote back then? I tend to forget a lot of things.

YO. Shoutout to the peeps who have been sticking with me since 2015.

Well, I actually have been writing since 2014, but I didn't really make shipping stuff until 2015.

Oh my gosh...I double checked the book, and I actually did not discuss it. What. I thought I would discuss this ship.

WELP. Might as well do it now.

Fucking really, Elemeno? Again with the long ass intros?

Guys, that's what's unique with this shipping book, okay? It's like 10% actual discussion and 90% random shit.

Misty, May, Dawn.

Makes sense because cycle...I guess their bicycles got ruined, burned, barbecued, destroyed, electrocuted and Pika-fied.

Their Pika-fied bikes that got them friendships with Ashy-poo Butt Ketchup.


Pikabike, Pikabike, Bike, Bike, Bike.

I was trying to sing Power by Little Mix, okay. That part with the motorbike.

Yo...if this was like 2016 to early 2017 Elemeno, I would be making an edit of Cycleshipping as Little Mix.

Yeah...let's not go down that road again. I get carried away with that shit that sometimes I make things more disturbing rather than funny.


In a lot of fanfics, Misty, May and Dawn are like the super besties. Whether it's a high school AU or singing AU or whatever AU, they will be a super pack of besties. You know, sometimes they would add Leaf there because it's gotta be four. Maybe Serena or Iris weren't good enough for them. I mean, maybe some of them were written even before those characters were introduced soooooooo.

Or you know...they wanted someone to ship Gary with because it's super necessary to have Gary as one of the guys. I guess it's like OldRival.

Hey, if you do fanfics like that, keep doing you. I did that before too, so that's okay. BUT YEAH.

Super back of super besties.

SO. Let's go to actual stuff that we can discuss about the ship outside the wonderful world of fanfiction.

May has met both Misty and Dawn in separate occasions. However, Misty and Dawn were never seen together on-screen, but it is evident that Dawn at least knows who Misty is. After all, Misty's lure did make a cameo in the Diamond and Pearl series.

Ya know, that time when Ash used the lure, and Dawn was like, "I WANNA USE IT!" Then Ash was like, "No, bitch. This is special!"


I guess I'll just rate this now.


As a pack of besties, I'll give this a 9 out of 10. It's a beautiful OT3...well...BROT3...uh...SISOT3.


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