Gary x Melody & PerformanceTimeShipping

71 13 15

Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl.


These two ships are kinda unrelated, but I decided to do them together since I won't have much to say about them. But like, I know the characters, so I'm doing them anyway.


Gary x Melody is actually FestivalShipping. I didn't put it in the title because it might confuse some since there is a more popular (or I think more popular) Festivalshipping which is between Harley and Solidad.


As far as we know, it's a never met ship. They could be compatible...but then...

Idk. I just suddenly got this theory where Gary and Melody are actually related like whaaaaat. Just a random thought. I'm just all over the place right now. This is the third thingy I'm posting this day (well..for all my books except the randomness book).

Eh. Must be the spiky-ish auburn hair.

I MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAN. Back when they showed the Sun and Moon trailers, theorists were like, "I betcha Lusamine, Gladion and Lillie and related, and that they are actually Ultra Beasts." They got half of that right.


I guess I'll give this a...hmmm...4 out 10 auburn wigs.



It's the ship between Cilan and Aria.

Is this actually a popular ship? Or just a random ship Lavender thought of suggesting?


I don't have much to say about Aria since I haven't watched all of the XY episodes. I've seen her debut episode and that episode where she was kinda in disguise and she went shopping with Serena.


Idk what else to say about this ship.

Idk what else to say about Aria. I mean, I like her hair.

I don't know how to connect her with Cilan.

My mind is just ehhh. I woke up alright this morning, but this afternoon, I'm just tired. I only left the house for like 2 hours. Definitely not shiny hunting today because I do not have energy for that shit.

So yeah...I'm rating this 3 out of 10 fancy people.



I could've sworn that there were more suggestions, but I couldn't find them in the comments. Maybe it was just in a dream. Idk anymore.

I mean, there's the kinda crack ship Lilly suggested over at Stuck with them Pokemon Peeps 2, but other that.

If you guys suggested something that I haven't rated, please let me know.

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