Arroganceshipping (Pokémon)

224 21 22

Suggested by: Alpha_Sapphire_...of course xD

Aight aight aight aight aight aight aight

Maybe this isn't a popular ship.

It's the ship between Gary and Drew.


Maybe in most people's works, they're strangers.

In those Poke/Amour, Contest, Ikari, LeafGreen books, they're friends.

In the Elemenoverse, these guys are almost like bros.

They're like the Elemenoverse BROTP.

And yeah, Idk why. I just love these characters. They never actually met, and at this point, they have probably been written off and forgotten. least for Drew.

I did NOT see a single image of him when I saw pics of that showcase thingy for the 1000th episode of the Pokemon anime.

I meeeean, Drew only appeared for 20 episodes out of that thousand.

Yes, guys. I really did count the episodes Drew had a major appearance in. I have them listed in a notebook.

Trash, amirite.

So yeah...

As a romantic ship, I don't mind it, but it will get a 6 out of 10.

As bros, I'll give it a solid 9.

Random shit that I just thought of...

Gary, Drew and Milani's ship name probably is SWTPPShipping just because they're the characters in Stuck with them Pokemon Peeps that get the most spotlight.

For those who don't know, Milani is my OC.

AND THAT'S NOT A ROMANTIC SHIP, OKAY. In the Elemenoverse, Drew and Milani are cousins.

It's like my BROT3.

Suggest ships, yo.

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