CalendarShipping (Pokemon)

50 12 23

Suggested by: GamerAzialle.


Idk why I decide to write things at this time. It's like 1PM here. Those in America are probably asleep or getting ready to sleep. Those in Europe...uh...I feel like it's super early in the morning probably. Those who have the same time zone as me are definitely awake, but most likely are in school.

But hey...I don't really care if people read my stories immediately or at a later time. I don't really care if it takes a person three years before the read or comment on stuff. Heck, I don't really mind if you silently read my stuff or not. I just feel more feedback when you don't, but reads are always appreciated.

WELP. I wasted more than 100 words already. Let's go.


May x Barry.


Never met ships!

Both are kinda hyper.

But like...not really something I ship, tbh.


I remember back in the good days of Pokemon Shipping A-Z. I was like, "It's Calendarshipping because May is a month and then Septem-Barry, Octo-Barry, Novem-Barry, Decem-Barry."

That of course makes fucking sense.

But yeah, shoutout to the person who made that comment because their comment made much more sense.

True, it is May because the month of May. However, Barry because his name in Japanese is Jun.


Like June.

Like the month of June.


I bet most of you guys cannot wait for June because summertime.


In the Philippines, since we do not have the seasons and such, we actually have summer during April and May. Our classes start in June.

However, due to changes in the educational system, they changed it for some schools. It was already changed in our school by 2014, so we begin school in August now. I think they did this change to make it more consistent with other countries, and it was a pain having to go to school June and July because it was rainy season. Also, they added two years to high school (I'm not affected by that, though. LOL).

With that change, we actually had like 4 months of "summer". Well, I had summer classes for April-May, so I was only idle for June-July.

Man, those idle months were actually huge because that's when I binged watch Pokemon from the very first episode until the end of the Best Wishes series. That led me to watch more Pokemon related content on YouTube. That led me to look into shipping. That led me to read fanfics, and eventually making my own.

Imagine if they never changed the educational system here. Imagine if they never changed our school calendar.

I would honestly NOT be writing fanfics right now.

Man, that was a long rant.

All because of freakin Jun.

My birthday is on June, BTW.

Not like it matters. I'm used to people forgetting my birthday anyway. LOL.


I'll give this one I guess a solid 5 out of 10 roses. May gets them roses. Barry has a Roserade.

Huh...there's at least three rivals who have Roserade. There's Barry, Nando and even Drew. I also usually use Roserade in my teams when available.

Do I have a shiny Roserade? Still none.

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