Drew x Dartrix

62 12 24

Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl.


Before anything else, Happy Valentine's Day to the people who feel like celebrating it.

To the people who don't, it's WEDNESDAY MAH DUDES.

Ya know me. I've been chill. I got like a bunch of red and blue roses for Valentines. I'm already running out of space, but I'm just letting them in because I couldn't fucking get the purple and black ones.

YEP. I even found this guy who put an obviously genned-in shiny level 100 Roselia. How do I know it's genned-in or hacked? Well, it was on a fucking Cherish Ball. Like, was there ever a time in Japan where they just distributed shiny Roselia? Plus, the guy was asking for a Level 1-10 Ariados, like that guy was just literally trolling because the only one who would have that level of Ariados are those who hacked. Huh...unless you can SOS for one in Route 1 in USUM? Hahaha...nope!


Enough about the salty life, here's the ship.

Drew x Dartrix. Such a weird ship, right? Wow, this is what I chose for Valentine's Day?


Now, I don't know why Lavender thought of this ship. Maybe she found stuff about it online. Maybe she remembers that part when I said that when I first saw Dartrix, it reminded me of Drew.


Well, Dartrix did that fucking hair flip, and I was like, "OH SHIT. IT'S DREW."

I was gonna nickname my Rowlet "Drew", but the Decidueye happened and I was like, "Nah. You're Takumi now."

YO. JWittz and I have the same nickname for Decidueye. I was just watching one of his Twitch streams, and I was like, "YO. WE HAVE THE SAME NICKNAME FOR DECIDUEYE!"

Makes sense since JWittz is also a fan of the Fire Emblem series. SO YEAH.



Drew probably won't get a Dartrix of his own, but who knows? I would say that it's because he already has a grass type, but grasshead has two bug-flying types.


But yeah, Drew already has that amazing Roserade of his. I have like 3 of them. How many Roselia do I have?


I got like boxes of them right now in both my Moon and Ultra Sun copy.

And I yet I only have one Decidueye.

That Decidueye helps out a lot, though, since it's my go-to Pokemon when I do SOS shiny hunting because that apparently works better for me.


How many Dartrix do I have? I actually have none because I evolved it to Decidueye. Yeah.


For this ship, tbh, they could be bros.

It's a good BROTP.

Honestly, I ain't really caring about the Roselia anymore. I'm trying to collect Budew now. BECAUSE YA KNOW.

We need that fucking part for Stuck with them Pokemon Peeps to make a return.

I actually nicknamed some Budew after some writers here. OH BOI OH BOI.

AIGHT. Let me stop.

Back to Drew and Dartrix.

Let me say again. It's a potentially good BROTP.

Like Drew is there doing his thing and then Dartrix would also do the Drew things because he is Drewbird.

The Drewbirb.


Dark Owl?



Drew is actually Ladybug.


But just saying.

IMO. If Drew was a Pokemon, he'd be Dartrix, not Roselia.

I'd probably be Roselia because I have like a thousand of them.

Well, I released a few, so maybe around 600-900 or something.


As a ship like romantic ship, I'll give this a 1 out of 10 Drewbirbs.

As a potential BROTP, 10 out of 10 Drewbirbs.


Or maybe I should write a part for SWTPP2?

I'm gonna hatch some more Budew for a part of SWTPP2.


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