
108 14 7

Suggested by: Wisteriakat.



Green...Blue...uh...the female one

and Yellow.

Green...Blue...uh...the female one was the one who knew that Yellow was a girl.

Yo. Just imagine her laughing her ass off while watching other people being so convinced that Yellow was a dude.

Like Red tho


I ship this mainly because I already ship Originalshipping.

But it's not my most favorite ship in the world.

I like it, though.


I guess I'll give this one a decent 8 straw hats out of 10.

Maybe I should read the manga again once I get free time

I technically have a lot of free time as of now, but with the other books and holiday preparation and stuff, it's like i don't have free time at all.


and by the time those are over, real life decides to grin at me and say, "You got some shit to do so that you can be a help in the society."

well alrighty then.

For now...

Suggest ships, yo.

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