
63 8 18

Suggested by: GamerAzialle.

Sure. That's the name of the ship. Let's go with that.


CyLuShipping is the ship name for Pikachu and Furret, but this is actually a more specific one.

Ya know. For my OCs.


Milani's Pikachu and Jace's Furret.

LMAO. Honestly Milani's Pikachu isn't that relevant lolololol


There's a bit of rivalry going between them. Furret kinda bullies Pikachu. Yeeeeah.

This ship was actually more emphasized in one of my unpublished books. It's not gonna be that relevant in Ignitia, tbh. BUT YA's something.

I guess I can share this canon bit of info to you guys.

Canon because I fucking made the ship, alright.


Furret is a bit smug. LMAO, smug Furret. Maybe a tsundere-ish, tough, athletic and maybe even bitchy Furret.

Pikachu is like a weeb nerd dood. Sure.


I do ship them, yes, but I failed to emphasize them in my story. SO YEAAAAAAH.

There's like a new Nameship Pokemon ship that will blossom in Ignitia anyway.


Furret is a bit of a bully, but she does that because she actually wants Pikachu's attention.

And again, fuck the height difference. I mean, another spoiler that may or may not happen in Ignitia anyway because it's has been a while since I wrote anything for that book. Milani might be evolving her Pikachu.

BUT THEN...the thing with Furret is that it's 5'11" because I think they counted from head to tail, and not head to toe. In the anime, Furret did appear to be shorter than a 10-year-old.

But then, height in the anime can be inconsistent to the games. Roselia is only a foot tall, but it appears to be much taller than in the anime. Well, unless the 10-year-olds in the anime are only 2 feet tall or something.

Besides, it would be...idk...kinda terrifying if Furret were 5'11". IDK.

More weird canon stuff not relevant to anything. I imagine Jace, at adult height, would stand at around 5'7". Maybe for some of you guys, that's pretty short. Like, who cares?

Where I'm from, 5'7" is like medium height for guys here. I mean, again, maybe for the guys our age. 5'7" is like medium to kinda tall already. AGAIN, I believe in the evolution of height as generations go on. I'm the tallest female in the immediate family, so that's something. My 14-year-old cousin is also much taller than me.

Well...I guess my cousins are bound to be taller since they have a parent who is tall. I feel like I'm the shortest one among us who are of the same age group.

Idk anymore. I don't wanna talk about height anymore.

Just...Elemeno canon time. Jace is 5'7". Milani is 5'2". Ya dig? Good. Let's now rate NameCyLu.

Honestly, for now, I will only give them an 8 out of 10. It's got potential, but I haven't really done much to make this ship stronger.


Suggest ships, yo.

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