EraserMic (My Hero Academia)

51 6 19

Suggested by: LapisLazulli2.

Ya know...I thought this suggestion was actually not real. I don't know why. I felt like this suggestion was just a dream. I check the previous chapters, and the suggestion was there. I still feel like it's a dream, though.

I feel like the suggestion was just random after a full month of zero suggestions. Ya know, it didn't feel real at all!

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion, Lappy.



Eraserhead aka Aizawa and Present Mic!


Lmao. I still find it funny how Aizawa's hero name is Eraserhead because there's a band here in the Philippines called Eraserheads.


And ya know who gave the hero name to Aizawa? Present Mic!

Ah. I love that episode where they chose hero names. So iconic.

Okay. Does this ship follow the "opposites attract" shipping thingy? I know not everyone is a fan, but it follows.

But at the same time, it's kinda boring if they're very similar people. 

It's more of complementary than just being opposites.

Aizawa doesn't want to talk to people, and he just wants to do his own thing. Present Mic is the loud one.

And hey, they actually have their own moments. They've been friends since they were students.

So yeah that's something something.

But then again, do we have to ship every single character with someone?

But ya know...this ship makes sense. I actually like it.

Again. They complement each other.

Seriously. Sometimes, a introverted person may need someone extroverted in their life.

I get that birds of the same feather flock together, but it's boring if y'all have the same fucking feathers.

I get that I don't really like some people who are completely not like me. But ya know...I actually like my loud friends.

Weird, but most of the loud people who befriended me are real friends. They don't fucking ignore you, and they seem happy to see you.

Ye ye

And it's like...maybe Aizawa won't admit that he appreciates Present Mic. I feel like they're similar to Bakugo and Kirishima.

Listen, Bakugo is loud, but he's not extroverted. He just yells a lot.

I don't know why I plugged in Kiribaku. Is it necessary? Probably not.

Just plugging in it. FOR FUNSIES. I definitely do not have reasons for plugging it in. WEEEEEE.


Rating time!

As a BROTP, definitely 15 out of 10 erasers.

As a romantic ship, I guess 9 out 11 mics.

It's a good ship. I kinda ship it, but I don't really make a big deal about it.

It's cool, indeed.




I mean, if I don't get suggestions, I'll just rate a random ship that I feel like rating.

You know...kinda like rating those ships that I like, and I know that other people like the ship too. But liek, people thought that the ship was already rated in the past, but it turns out it wasn't.


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