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Hey it's the first shipping opinion for 2018.

Well...I wrote this back in 2017 tho.

And it might still be 2017 where you are.

Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl.

I haven't done a YouTuber ship in FOREVER.



Markimoo and Jacky-boy.

It would have been way too perfect if I were writing this while watching either of them, but then it's hard to write when you're also watching something. Music works, though.

Not related to the ship, but I've been listening to Nullified by Andrew Stein aka MandoPony while writing Ignitia even though Gladion is not going to be in the story.

ANYWAY...back to the ship.

Yeah, I've been watching a lot of Markimoo. Even though he doesn't play Yandere Simulator as often as Jay and Bijuu Mike, his playthrough of that game is my favorite. I don't think Jack played it as much, though.

Actually, I have a friend who has a crush on Jack.

And yes, she's that very same friend who called me Yaoi Queen or something. I mentioned that many parts ago.

Man, she'll call me like that again once she finds out that I lowkey kinda like Septiplier.


I mean, I'm not super huge on Septiplier. At this point, I feel like I might like Phan better.


I watch a lot of Mark than Jack, to be honest. I mean, both are funny, though.

It's just that Mark's playthrough of YanSim and Dream Daddy and Job Simulator VR and even HuniePop were just way too hilarious for me. OH...and my favorite episodes of Nerdy Nummies were the ones with Mark.

Yes, guys. I watched him play through HuniePop. His playthrough of that is that best because he blocks out...those sounds.


I mean, you'll probably see the censored stuff (since there a censored version of the game, allowing it to be played on YouTube), but still. You might encounter stuff that you might not wanna encounter, especially if you're below 18.



As for Jack, I enjoyed his playthroughs too like the Party Hard one, and Oh Sir! The Insult Simulator.

Funny shit.

And yeah, I'll just watch both of them for fun or whatever. That is, if I have time or I don't feel like watching Pokemon content.

But yeah.

Mark and Jack are pals. I believe that they are well aware that their fans are shipping them.

I guess I'll give this...a 7.8 green hair strands out of 10, i guess? Maybe an 8.

Wait...but Jack is back to his natural hair color now...right?


It's just cool that super huge YouTubers like them are actually friends with NateWantsToBattle. They were even featured in his songs.

I mean, Nate is pretty much famous now as well since he has more than a million subs, but still.

I know, maybe some Jack fans will complain how Jack was barely in Enjoy the Show.

Oh well

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