Franticshipping (Pokémon)

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Suggested by: CrossiantMoon.


Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Ruby and Sapphire.

You know, remember that friend who calls me Queen of Yaoi?

This is probably the one Pokémon ship that we both like.

She doesn’t really have anime ships because she doesn’t like the anime that much. Idk about her game ships, but hey. We ain’t talking about her shipping opinions.

At first, I was skeptical about this ship. I didn’t really get the hype, but apparently they like each other so that’s great.

And when I finally got to read the RS chapters of the Adventures manga...HOLY SHIPS.

I get why people really like this ship. They’re pretty much canon. They complement each other. They have cute moments together.

And what I really like about them is their personalities. They’re not typical. Ruby is a guy who is interested in fashion and keeping things.clean. Sapphire is a wild girl who loves to battle.

But damn...the reason why Ruby wears that hat is just...i cri.

I just realized. When Ruby is older, he could be the Pokémon World Gabriel Agreste.

Okay...maybe not.

I think Ruby will be a great father!

Besides, I don’t even like Gabriel. He’ know...Season 2 spoilers.

Where are those adoption papers? I’m taking care of Adrien now.

He could be success-wise, but not those other stuff.

ANYWAY...back to Franticshipping.

I’ll give this 10 red shirts out of 10. I really like the ship.

AND GUYS. There might be those butthurt shippers who might attack me like, “Wow. I thought you like Contest. Wtf.”

Sapphire is not May in the anime. May in the anime is not May in the games.

Same goes for the other characters

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