Commonershipping / Haughtyshipping (Pokemon)

111 13 35

Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl.


I decided to just put these two ships together because Lavender placed them on one line.

And I also kinda don't remember much the Diamond and Pearl manga, tbh.

Commonershipping = Diamond x Platinum

Haughtyshipping = Pearl x Platinum


Idk which I prefer.

Honestly, I just see them as a cool OT3. Sure.

Okay...I guess we'll try to look into the ship. (Wait isn't that like the purpose of the older shipping books? Oh well. Did I even include these ships. I don't remember anymore.)

From what I remember in the Diamond, Pearl and Platinum chapters of the Pokemon Adventures manga, Diamond and Pearl accompanied Platinum because they got into a bodyguard job instead of their trip or something. Diamond and Pearl do comedy. Yeah.

But hey. That mishap has birthed a beautiful friendship between them and Platinum.

Yay for friendship.


Let's try digging into things by checking some references because I seriously do not remember much about the manga even though I have read them. It has been like nearly 2 years since I have, and a lot of educational shit has been dumped on my brain and maybe my knowledge concerning this chapter of the manga has been displaced.


Let's start with Commonershipping.

At first sight, Diamond was looking at Platinum like she's so pretty and fancy. Diamond seems to have a bit of a crush on her, so that's nice.

But ya know. It could be like fairy tales...kinda like some random Contestshipping story idea that i thought of while playing Miitopia. I probably won't end up writing.

SO yeah. Platinum is fucking rich. Diamond is like...a commoner. Some weird dude who loves to eat and does comedy for a living.

It's like that old 5SOS song almost. You're just a little bit out of my limit.

I shit you not, Spotify really just fucking played that song as I was just thinking of this song. I swear Spotify can sense my brainwaves.



This time, let us proceed with Haughtyshipping.

Well...both Pearl and Platinum are apparently haughty.


Basing on the information I've gotten, I'm a bit more inclined to ship Commoner rather than Haughty. 

It is totally fine if you prefer Haughtyshipping. I'm not here to tell you what to ship. You choose what you wanna ship, okay.

But honestly, the fact that neither of these ships really stood out to me as I was reading the manga since I barely remembered the hints and such.



I might honestly ship Absurdistshipping more than both ships. But honestly, more like a BROTP.

SO YEAH...rating.

I will give Commonershipping a decent 7 out of 10...4th gen games.

Haughtyshipping gets a decent 6 out of 10.

Both ships are good in my opinion. It's understandable that they're quite common.


It was nearly 11 years ago since I played Pokemon Pearl. Sheesh. No wonder people want Sinnoh remakes.

I honestly think that it won't come out until Gen 8 is out, but we'll see. I see it potentially being released in 2019. Maybe. Idk. I'm no psychic.

But damn Sinnoh remakes will make me feel old af. Idk. I consider anything beyond 3rd gen to be like "new age" Pokemon.

Hahaha lol okay I'm honestly not in the best mood so yeah I just try to make myself feel better.

Lmao where's life's rewind button?

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