SweetAndSourShipping (Pokémon)

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Suggested by: RivalCrushAngel.


Sweet and Sour.

Paul and Miette.


Miette is the sweet one and Paul is the sour one I guess.


And...again...I've not completed all the XY episodes. I feel like the only episode that I've watched with Miette in it was the very first episode she was in. There, she was a total biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.

But then I think she's nicer after that, so we good fam.

Ugh. Idk. My mind is all over the place again.




I mean, Miette and Paul...nah they won't like each other. Well, maybe at first.

Idk. I'm feeling tired today. I just did some shiny hunting. I didn't get one today, but I guess getting one today is too much to ask considering I've gotten 2 shinies in 2 days. One of the shinies being something that I've been hunting for for nearly three years (but not consistently, though). I tried hunting for Eevee (I already got one, but I'm trying to get most of the Eeveelutions). I also tried Trapinch, but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh.


In spite of their differences, maybe they can get along at some point.

I don't know. Maybe Miette can make Poke Puffs for Paul.

Wait...didn't she not do well...I don't remember anymore.

Who knows?

They might turn out to be the unexpected couple.

Eh. Tbh, anyone with Paul is the unexpected couple. I know people usually throw the "opposites attract" thing to Ikarishipping, but that honestly goes for most Paul ships. Heck, even Comashipping follows that.

I MEAN, HECKLES WITH THAT HECKS. Comashipping is the "opposites attract" ship that the anime throws at you. DUH.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

But yeah, Miette and Paul. Never met. Will they work? Idk. Maybe not, but who knows?

No one knows. No one will ever know because it's unlikely that the Pokemon anime writers will give us answers as to who ends up together.

But let's be real. That's not the focus of Pokemon in the first place. Feel free to ship, but please stop being a prick to those who do not ship the same things as you.

Sure, we've seen teasing and shit, but come on.


To write the shit that we know the anime writers will never write.

But somehow, Season 2 of Miraculous Ladybug might be the exception for that.


Damn. That's like new Paramore, though.

Wait...what do you mean that's already counted as old-school Paramore?!

Fuck. Brand New Eyes was nearly 9 years ago!?

What the fuck is life.


Hmmm...none of you guys reading this as of February 17th, 2018 are currently 9 years old, right?!

OKAY. Let's just wrap things up before I do more unnecessary rambling.

I don't hate the ship, but honestly, I don't really loathe ships for as long as they're not incest.

I guess it's a decent one, so I'll give this 6 out of 10 Ube-flavored Poke Puffs. Do they exist? Probably not.

Ube = Purple Yam.

I honestly love that flavor lol.

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